FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 04-22-2014

BUDGET ALERT – YOUR ACTION REQUESTED The Education Budget Conference Committee held its first meeting last night.  The House presented its first offer on the education budget and budget proviso language.  Elements of the House offer, coupled with adjustments to align the budget with approved allocations and with adjustments to align with the 4th Calculation…

FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 04-21-2014

BUDGET UPDATE The House announced their budget conferees today and the first organizational meeting was held this evening. House members that will serve on the Education Budget Conference Committee are Representatives Erik Fresen (chair), Janet Adkins, Larry Ahern, Gwyndolen Clarke-Reed, Karen Castor Dentel, Heather Fitzenhagen, Jeanette Nunez, Keith Perry, Jake Raburn, Betty Reed, Charlie Stone,…

2014 Legislative Session Video Update #6

This Video Update features Dr. Wayne Blanton discussing the next week’s Passover and Easter holiday and the remaining term of the Legislative Session, SB 864 and HB 921 relating to adoption of instructional materials, HB 7167 and SB 1620 relating to the Tax Credit Scholarship Program, and SB 1528 and HB 7083 relating to Charter Schools.  Dr. Blanton encourages…

FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 04-11-2014

TODAY’S HAPPENINGS In the House Economic Affairs Committee: HB 147 – Concrete Masonry Education by Caldwell – PASSED WITH A CS Creates Florida Concrete Masonry Education Council, Inc.; requires council to operate under written contract with DEO; provides powers & duties of council; provides restrictions; provides for appointment & terms of governing board of council;…

ED orders Michigan district under Title IX to tear down baseball bleachers built by booster club

The Plymouth High School Baseball Boosters in Michigan are stunned by a United States Department of Education (ED) decision under its Title IX authority requiring them to immediately tear down fund-raised improvements to baseball bleachers, reports The Huffington Post.  The baseball booster club raised funds over six years to change the configuration of their bleachers…