House bill would limit schools’ construction spending

TALLAHASSEE – With resounding opposition from Democrats and school officials, Republican lawmakers in the Florida House are fast-tracking a proposal to significantly change how public school districts use taxpayer money to fund construction projects, while making it easier for charter schools to get capital dollars. Education budget committee Chairman Rep. Erik Fresen, R-Miami, is spearheading…

FSBA Daily Update: Legislative Session 02-08-2016

CAPITAL OUTLAY FUNDING UPDATE Controversy has arisen from a presentation made at the January 21 meeting of the House Appropriations Committee.  The presentation, made by House Education Appropriations Subcommittee Chair Eric Fresen, provided information that compared actual school construction costs with the statutorily set costs per student station.  Among other things, this report applied statutory cost…

FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 02-09-2016

TODAY’S HAPPENINGS [NOTE:  The bills and committees listed below are linked to their respective websites where you can find additional information.] In the House Education Appropriations Subcommittee: HB 793 – Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program by O’Toole – AMENDED; PASSED WITH A COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE (CS) Provides that initial award period & renewal period for students who are unable…