It’s Week #4 of Interim Committee Meetings in Florida’s capital city and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are Super Bowl Champs!
The Legislature will continue to take up bills and hear presentations during the second to last Interim Committee Week. On the docket this week are bills including SB 274 Juvenile Diversion Program Expunction, SB 52 Post-Secondary Education (Dual Enrollment voucher program), and SB 78 Dues & Assessments (affects how labor unions can collect dues, was temporarily postponed last week in committee due to time running out). In addition, the House Education & Employment Committee will hear a presentation on Florida’s Workforce System and House PreK-12 Appropriations will hear a presentation on the Governor’s recommended budget for FY 2122, including an update on K-12 federal assistance related to the pandemic.
- Check out our schedule highlights, including links to House, Senate, and the Florida Channel HERE