Call for Proposals: Federation of Trainers Workalike Group Conference

Primary Contact Information

Primary Contact(Required)

Presentation Details

We will try our best to accommodate your presentation preference requests, but may need to adjust according to topic, room availability, etc. Presentations and workshops consist of a one-hour session and are formal presentations. Round table topics are shorter in length (20-minutes) and have a casual, conversational format. We also welcome you to present a 15-minute Bright Idea or Dim Bulb during a session. (In these sessions, you will share what worked, what didn't, or what you stole from another association.)
What kind of session would you like to lead? You can select more than one.(Required)
This information will be included in the program. Please proofread carefully.
This information will be included in the program. Please proofread carefully. Descriptions may be edited for length.
Check the category that best fits the content of your presentation.(Required)


Note to applicants: Proposal submission does not guarantee acceptance.This information may be included in the program. Please proofread carefully. Each presentation can have a presenter whose association is either with COSSBA or NSBA or a state association on its own. If you plan to have more than three presenters, email Amie Williamson with the additional information.

Presenter #1

Presenter #1(Required)

Presenter #2 (optional)

Presenter #2

Presenter #3 (optional)

Presenter #3