Date and location TBD
Mission Inn – Howey-in-the-Hills, FL

This is a 7-hour training designed to assist individual board members in understanding the full responsibility of policy development and oversight. Participants are eligible to receive seven (7) knowledge points in the CBM program by completing the CBM form after attending this training session.  The link to access the form will be emailed to you and listed on our website. Note: all attendees must bring a copy of district policies, OR have individual access to policies via mobile device or computer.  Districts should not plan on sharing a copy or access to policies during this training. 

“Boards set policy and administrators carry it out.”  That is the first thing virtually every school board member learns about the responsibilities of the job.  Setting constructive policy is a hallmark of school board effectiveness – and a crucial component of a school system’s success.  To develop constructive policy, the school board must operate in a context that supports and vitalizes board decision-making.  Policy is the voice of the school board; it speaks when the board is not convened and cannot address an issue directly.  Consequently, policy adoption is one of the fundamental roles of school boards in today’s system for governing public education.  School boards must establish the direction and organizational structure of their school district through the legislative act of adopting policies.

For questions, please contact Tina Pinkoson or Carolyn Sanders.

Registration fees, deadlines provided closer to the scheduled event

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The content of this forum is designed to:

  • Distinguish the reasons for establishing school district policies.
  • Determine the school board’s role in policymaking.
  • Identify the characteristics of school board policies.
  • Examine the elements for success in achieving policy power.
  • Discuss the difference between policy and regulations/procedures.
  • Learn the specifics of a step-by-step approach for policy adoption, including statutory parameters.
  • Understand the relationship between policy adoption and strategic planning in establishing priorities and budget initiatives which support the shared vision of the school district.
  • Discuss the key components to effective policy development, adoption  and maintenance,  and the importance of keeping the district policy manual updated.
  • Explore methods of informing the public about school district policies.
