FSBA’s Legislative and Federal Platforms are the cornerstones of FSBA’s governmental advocacy efforts.  All FSBA members may participate in the development of the Platforms by submitting proposals for items to be included in our Platforms.  Typically, the FSBA Platform development process begins in the summer with a call for platform proposals and ends in fall with the adoption of the final FSBA Legislative Platform and Federal Platform. The FSBA Advocacy team, including the Advocacy Committee, Legislative and Federal Relations Subcommittees, and FSBA membership advocates on behalf of these issues.

PREVIOUS YEAR: 2022 Platform Development Materials

FSBA Positions on Issues of Continuing Concern
Proposed Platform items that were submitted but were not selected for inclusion in the final FSBA Legislative Platform will be considered for inclusion in FSBA’s Positions on Issues of Continuing Concern.  The FSBA Legislative Subcommittee will consider and approve these items at the Annual Joint Conference.

Emergency Items
In accordance with FSBA Policy 2025(4)(d) and (e), the only changes to the adopted Legislative and Federal Platforms that may be considered are emergency items.  Any emergency items must meet the criteria specified in FSBA Policy 2025 and must be presented at the General Membership meeting at the Annual Joint Conference.  A three-fourths vote of the members present at the General Membership meeting is required for approval of an emergency item.

Submit Your Proposal