Florida Teachers Union Challenges School Choice Legislation In Court

Florida’s teachers union announced a lawsuit Wednesday aiming to block a new law that, among other things, expands eligibility for tax credit scholarships and creates the second-in-the-nation personal learning scholarship accounts program. The suit doesn’t argue the programs themselves are unconstitutional. Like a recent challenge of Alabama’s tax credit scholarship program, it focuses on how…


The Science Supporting Starting High School Classes Later In The Morning

Blame science – and not your teenager – if they’re slow starters in the morning. Teenagers just can’t get eight hours of sleep if high schools starts much before 8 a.m. University of Minnesota researcher Kyla Wahlstrom said that’s because adolescents go through something called the sleep phase shift. “Teenagers are basically unable to fall asleep…


Florida Adopts Standards for Teaching Financial Literacy

U.S. students’ understanding of personal finance might be average when compared with their peers overseas, as results from an international test showed last week, but some states and nonprofits are aiming to strengthen the teaching of financial in American schools. Last month, the state board of education in Florida adopted a financial-literacy strand to its…


More Schools Earn Failing Grades As Florida Prepares For Common Core Switch

More Florida elementary and middle schools earned an F rating this year, according to preliminary public school grades released Friday. But the number of schools earning the state’s highest rating also increased this year. “The increase in the number of schools earning an ‘A’ this year is great news for students and teachers who have…
