Voucher expansion draws opposition

Expansion of the student voucher program, which seemed dead shortly after the beginning of the 2014 Florida Legislature, has proved hard to kill. A Senate subcommittee approved an amendment on Tuesday expanding the voucher program, known as the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program, adding it to a bill that helps parents of disabled children get…


Voucher bill brought back to life

A Senate panel revived the proposed expansion of the school voucher program. But it did not give a second chance to the immigrant tuition proposal. By Kathleen McGrory Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau TALLAHASSEE — A Senate committee used a procedural maneuver Tuesday to put a controversial school voucher bill back in play. But the committee refused…


FCAT tests delayed over website woes

Thousands of students couldn’t take FCAT online on Tuesday, as problems with the testing company’s website prevented students from logging in. The glitch with the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test affected districts around Florida, including Orange and Seminole county schools. Orange County suspended testing for about 12,000 sixth, seventh, ninth and 10th graders, who were to…


Schools Suspend FCAT Because Of Computer Problems

Schools are suspending today’s FCAT testing because some school districts are having computer issues. The Florida Department of Education says the problem is with testing firm Pearson. The problem is not statewide, they said, but they’ve advised districts having issues to suspend testing. The Tampa Bay Times reports Pasco County schools have stopped testing. Pasco County schools’…
