ED orders Michigan district under Title IX to tear down baseball bleachers built by booster club

The Plymouth High School Baseball Boosters in Michigan are stunned by a United States Department of Education (ED) decision under its Title IX authority requiring them to immediately tear down fund-raised improvements to baseball bleachers, reports The Huffington Post.  The baseball booster club raised funds over six years to change the configuration of their bleachers…


FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 04-08-2014

FSBA LEGISLATIVE SESSION REVIEW WORKSHOPS After the end of the 2014 Legislative Session adjourns, FSBA will conduct our usual series of Legislative Session Review Workshops at various locations around the state. These Workshops provide  a comprehensive analysis of education appropriations and details of the education related bills that were approved during the 2014 Legislative Session. …


FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 04-02-2014

TODAY’S HAPPENINGS In the House Justice Appropriations Subcommittee: HB 753 – School Safety by Stube – PASSED WITH A CS Provides exception to prohibition on possession of firearms or other specified devices on school property or other specified areas for authorized concealed weapon or firearm licensees as designated by school principals or district superintendents; provides…


FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 04-01-2014

TODAY’S HAPPENINGS In the House Education Appropriations Subcommittee: HB 921 – Instructional Materials / Adoption by M. Gaetz – PASSED WITH A CS Revises provisions relating to review, selection, & adoption of instructional materials; requires instructional materials to be in digital format; provides duties of district school boards relating to district-adopted instructional materials & requisition…


How Do U.S. Students’ Problem-Solving Skills Compare to Their Peers in the Highest-Performing Countries?

Released this morning by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), PISA 2012 Results: Creative Problem Solving: Students’ Skills in Tackling Real-Life Problems, is the OECD’s first assessment of problem-solving skills and its first attempt to measure the creative skills that today’s economy demands from its workers. Click on the video to the right to…
