One of our sharp-eyed readers noticed an error in our quick comparison of the FEFP funding amounts in the House and Senate education budget proposals. We’ve corrected the mistake and posted the revised side-by-side on our 2017 Legislative Session page under the “2017-2018 Education Budget Materials” tab – please click HERE for a direct link…
As we reported yesterday, the Chairs of the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees have released some preliminary budget documents. For the Senate PreK-12 Education Appropriations Chair David Simmons and the House PreK-12 Appropriations Chair Manny Diaz, these included the highlights and a short Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) funding summary. We have prepared a quick…
The House and Senate Education Appropriations Subcommittees have released some preliminary budget documents and we are already working on a comparison and analysis. However, won’t have budget proviso language and other details of the FEFP and non-FEFP allocations until later this week. We are preparing a side-by-side comparison of current FEFP funding and House and…
It appears that the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees will release their proposed budgets this week so attention will quickly turn to focus on debate and revisions to these documents so that each chamber can release their respective versions of the state budget. We will be preparing comparisons of the House and Senate budgets as…
The third week of the 2017 Legislative Session has seen several bills of interest moving forward in the process. You may wish to review the daily issues of the FSBA Session Spotlight for more details but, for a quick and comprehensive review of this week’s activities, please be sure to watch the FSBA Legislative Weekly…
Tallahassee, FL – In our Week 3 update, FSBA Member Communications Manager BillieAnne Gay covers assessment, government oversight, and legislative happenings from the 22nd Floor of the Capitol.
While there is certainly enough going on in the Legislative Session to keep us focused on Tallahassee, some recent events on the federal government level present issues that are competing for attention. Below are updates on several federal issues. Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): Earlier this month, Congress repealed the ESSA Accountability and State Plan…
As we near the mid-way point of the Legislative Session, several bills of interest are completing the process of being considered by the committees and subcommittees to which the bills have been referred and are making their way onto the Calendar for consideration on the chamber floor. For those who are unfamiliar with the legislative…
The Senate Education Committee held a Workshop this afternoon that included a review of several Senate bills relating to assessment and accountability. During the Workshop, each bill sponsor provided an overview of their bill, but there was no substantive debate or discussion of any of the bills and no votes were taken. Even so, the…
The Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) held its initial meeting today. The meeting was mostly organizational in nature — members took the Oath of Office, received ethics training, and were given a quick overview of the suggested revised Rules under which the Commission will operate. In addition, CRC Chair Carlos Beruff announced the schedule for the…