Final Senate vote on DeVos expected early next week “IT” is out, “DIGITAL COHESION” is in Art class or tech class? Why not both at the same time? Does using social media slang affect learning? Teacher quality report criticizes lax or absent use of student growth measures Thank you for sharing! Thank you for sharing!Categories: Curriculum, Florida Schools, Friday Five, Hot Topic, In the News, National, Personnel, STEM, Teachers, technology, UncategorizedBy fsbawpFebruary 3, 2017 Author: fsbawp Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:FSBA Session Spotlight — Capital Construction ReportsNextNext post:Letters to the Editor: Every child has a place in our schoolsRelated PostsCybersecurity Resources for K-12 Schools and School DistrictsFebruary 23, 2024U.S. Department of Education Announces Grant Opportunities to Address Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Career AdvancementJune 15, 2023Congratulations to the Three U.S. Presidential Scholars from FloridaMay 10, 2023DOE Announces More Than $188 M to Support Mental Health and Student Wellness. Six school districts in Florida were awarded!February 16, 2023Today marks five years since the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.February 14, 2023COSSBA Inaugural National Conference | March 30 – April 2, 2022November 15, 2022
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