We are in the home stretch of the Legislative session as there are only 11 days left for an on-time sine die. We are still waiting for the start of budget conferencing as each chamber continues to work through their policy priorities.
Our team at GrayRobinson is once again providing us with our bill tracker. All of the bills we are tracking are listed on the report in numerical order. Bills that align to our platform are highlighted in yellow. A few of the bills to highlight:
- HB 1473 School Safety by Rep. Trabulsy passed unanimously off of the House floor on Thursday and was sent to the Senate. The bills continue to have some differences. SB 1356 by Sen. Calatayud is on 2nd reading and ready for the Senate floor.
- SB 472 Suits Against the Government by Sen. Brodeur was heard in its second committee stop with one amendment made to the bill. The amendment allows for the Department of Financial Services to adjust the limitations of liability by no more than 3% every 5 years beginning on July 1, 2029. The bill passed unanimously out of committee and is scheduled to be heard in its last committee of reference today at 2pm. The House bill has yet to be put back on the agenda in Judiciary, its last committee of reference.
- SB 7048 Education by Sen. Simon, the companion to HB 1403 School Choice, was heard in its last committee stop. The bills are identical and serve to correct some of the issues that have come about from the implementation of HB 1 last year. The bill is now ready for the full Senate floor.