Spanish, French and …SQL? The push to teach coding like a foreign language

Miami businesswoman Elizabeth De Zulueta speaks English and Spanish. She knows some Italian and Russian, too.  She’s also a robotics engineer who knows how to code using technical training in computer science and electrical and mechanical engineering.  Having studied languages and coding, De Zulueta knows the value of both skills, and she can attest from…


Letters to the Editor: Every child has a place in our schools

In the midst of change, redirection and refocus there is one goal that remains immutable, and that is protecting the safety, well-being, and future of children. Recent federal action affecting immigration policy has generated vigorous debate and civil unrest across the nation. Additionally, there is a sense of fear and anxiety in the hearts of…


FSBA Session Spotlight — Capital Construction Reports

Yesterday, two important state reports on studies conducted on school district capital construction projects were released.  Both studies were required by legislation passed last year, HB 7029.  This bill addressed a variety of issues including, but not limited to, education funding, school choice and open enrollment, charter schools, personnel, and school construction.  In addition to…


The State Requirements for Educational Facilities (SREF) Should Be Retained; Some Modifications Could Be Made

The State Requirements for Educational Facilities (SREF) are part of the Florida Building Code. SREF requirements apply to construction, renovation, and remodeling of public educational facilities owned by district school boards and Florida College System boards of trustees. This review focused on K-12 public school construction.  We did not identify a compelling reason to eliminate…


Teachers get a top focus in Florida governor’s budget

To better recruit and retain quality teachers for Florida’s K-12 public schools, Gov. Rick Scott wants the state to spend $58 million in the next budget year on a handful of initiatives — and those don’t include a controversial teacher bonus plan that lawmakers, with Scott’s support, have advanced in recent years. Read More


FSBA Session Spotlight — Governor’s Recommended Budget

Today, Governor Scott unveiled his 2017 Recommended Budget.  The Governor recommends a total budget of about $83.47 billion – an increase of about $1.3 billion over the current year budget.  We have posted the full budget recommendation, the statewide and district-by-district FEFP summary, and the Governor’s press release (which includes links to other budget documents)…
