Florida Legislature seeks again to limit school boards association

A controversial proposal aimed at curtailing lawsuits against the state by the Florida School Boards Association is back for the 2016 session and is starting to move through both chambers of the Florida Legislature. House Bill 1155/Senate Bill 1426 prohibit membership groups — namely, the FSBA — from using public dollars to sue the state, a move that critics argue…


FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 01-26-2016

TODAY’S HAPPENINGS [NOTE:  The bills listed below are linked to the each bill’s website where you can find information about the bill including the bill sponsor, committees of reference, and staff analysis.  The committees/subcommittees are linked to each committee’s website where you can find information about the committee including the committee’s membership and staff, the committee’s meeting…


Florida House scrutinizes public schools’ construction spending

Setting the tone for an adversarial debate this session, Florida House Republican leaders want to rein in what they call a “disturbing pattern” of school districts “glaringly and grossly” exceeding a state-imposed limit for spending on school construction projects. Citing annual data that districts report to the state, House education budget Chairman Rep. Erik Fresen,…


FSBA Daily Update: Legislative Session 01-25-2016

FSBA WEEKLY VIDEO UPDATE FSBA Video Update #2 has been posted on the FSBA website at www.fsba.org – you may access the video by clicking on the link to 2016 Legislative Session Updates (located in the right hand menu on our main page) or by using this direct link: https://fsba.org/2016-legislative-weekly-video-update-2/.  This Video Update features FSBA Executive Director Andrea Messina…


FSBA #FridayFive – Week of Jan. 18, 2016

1.  NAEP assessment going digital: http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/dba/?twitter11916 2.  Accountability requires a flexible system: http://educationnext.org/the-case-for-maximum-state-flexibility-on-essa-accountability/ 3.  Quality Counts 2016 is out: http://www.edweek.org/ew/qc/2016/2016-state-report-cards-map.html 4.  Children’s Week is January 24 to January 29: http://childrensweek.org/index.php/events/2014-children-s-week 5.  Get recognized as part of the Schools of Opportunity project of the National Education Policy Center. The project recognizes public schools for what they do to give all…


FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 01-21-2016

TODAY’S HAPPENINGS [NOTE:  The bills listed below are linked to the each bill’s website where you can find information about the bill including the bill sponsor, committees of reference, and staff analysis.  The committees/subcommittees are linked to each committee’s website where you can find information about the committee including the committee’s leadership, membership and staff, the committee’s…


‘Best & Brightest’ teacher bonus plan advances with key Senate vote but hurdles remain

TALLAHASSEE – In a pivotal vote, a Senate education committee on Wednesday narrowly gave its support for continuing a controversial program that awards teacher bonuses based, in part, on how well they did on college-entrance exams. Although the “Best and Brightest” program is in its first year, senators didn’t debate it last year — only the House did —…
