Independent Benefits Council (IBC) School Employee Saver Campaign Receives Awards

The Independent Benefits Council (IBC) earned high marks for its School Employee Saver campaign website and contests on Thursday at the annual Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) Capital Chapter Image Awards, winning an Image Award and an Award of Distinction, respectively. The IBC brings together the Florida Education Association, the Florida Association of School Administrators,…


FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 04-16-2015

TODAY’S HAPPENINGS In the Senate Appropriations Committee: SB 154 – Hazardous Walking Conditions by Hays – AMENDED AND PASSED WITH A COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE (CS) Revising criteria that determine a hazardous walking condition for public school students; requiring a district school board to correct hazardous walking conditions and provide transportation to students who would be subjected…


Gov. Scott Presents Shine Awards to Eight Outstanding Educators

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, during a meeting of Florida’s Cabinet, Governor Rick Scott recognized eight outstanding educators from around the state for their contributions to educating Florida students with Governor’s Shine Awards. The Governor’s Shine Award is presented to educators and administrators in Florida who make significant contributions to the field of education. Governor Scott…


FSBA Daily Updates: Legislative Session 04-14-2015

UPDATE ON THE ASSESSMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY BILL – SB 7069 Today, Governor Scott signed HB 7069 into law.  The bill addresses many of the concerns that have been raised by school board members, superintendents, educators and parents about the state’s accountability and assessment system.  We have not completed our detailed analysis of the bill, but…


Florida No. 3 Nationwide for AP Exam Success

Florida ranked third nationwide for student success on Advanced Placement exams, according to new data released this week from the College Board. The Sunshine State also placed ahead of Massachusetts, one of the country’s “model” states which is well-known for its high academic achievements. AP courses aim to emulate first-year college courses, allowing students to…
