Economists project nearly $1 billion surplus for Florida budget (K-12 will benefit)

TALLAHASSEE — Lower gas prices and rising consumer confidence prompted state economists on Monday to boost revenue estimates for next year’s budget by $622 million. The calculations improved the odds that Gov. Rick Scott will deliver on his campaign promise to cut taxes and fees, which lawmakers must approve. When Scott first announced a plan…


For-Profit College Wants To Open Charter Schools

Starting this past spring, parents in Indianapolis; Troy, Mich.; Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla.; and Houston, Texas, heard about a new option for their children’s last two years of high school. In each city, a charter school called Early Career Academy planned to offer students the chance to earn associate degrees, either in network systems administration or software…


Why Miami-Dade High School Students Are Teaching Their Classmates About Health

Abuse. Drugs. Mental health issues. It’s tough enough for anyone to talk about those problems. It can be even harder for teens facing them for the first time. That’s why the Health Information Project (HIP) trains high school juniors and seniors to lead freshmen through a year-long health education program. The program is in 37 Miami-Dade public high…


Florida PBS unveils free digital learning platform

TAMPA — One of America’s most trusted sources for high-quality educational programming has introduced a digital learning platform aimed at keeping up with the state’s revamped education standards. Florida PBS Learning Media gave hands-on training to educators attending the Florida School Board Association and Florida Association of District School Superintendents conference in Tampa on Wednesday.…


Florida teacher evaluations show almost everyone effective or better

Nearly 98 percent of Florida’s public school teachers earned good evaluations for the 2013-14 school year, just as they’ve done for the past two years, data released today shows. Central Florida school districts, as we reported late last month, mirrored the state, with almost all teachers evaluated earning “highly effective” or “effective” ratings — the…


School testing poised to get scaled back by Florida lawmakers

When the Lee County School Board voted in August to rid its classrooms of state-mandated tests, superintendent Nancy Graham says the district lost sight of a key factor: Children. Adults with political agendas on testing, accountability, Common Core and other issues held sway with passionate pleas, and board members took the bait. The conversation about…


Court review of school vouchers long overdue

Time for courts to review Florida’s expansion of school voucher program. Florida’s courts must review the state’s school voucher program after this year’s massive expansion by the Legislature. The Florida School Board Association and the Florida Education Association — the teachers union — are among the plaintiffs challenging the legality of the program, which provides…
