Moving Toward Better Teachers Begins With Better Teacher Preparation

In reflecting on former NYC Education Commissioner Joel Klein’s forthcoming book on his tenure leading the nation’s largest public school district, the New York Times‘ Frank Bruni notes that Klein refers to teacher quality as “the biggest factor in the education equation.” For years now, the voices talking about teacher quality have grown louder and louder. Each…


Kathleen Oropeza: Legislature responsible for abusive testing policies

The politics of extreme ideology has turned Florida public education into a testing factory. Unwilling to accept any responsibility for hyper-testing, politicians and reformers blame school districts. A prominent education reformer recently told the press, “They really need to look inward,” insinuating that districts are the reason for too many tests. If our school districts…


School Board asks state to delay consequences of standardized tests

The Alachua County School Board has joined the list of Florida school districts calling for action from the state to suspend the consequences of state standardized tests in favor of an extended transition time for students and teachers to adjust to new educational standards. A resolution, approved by all four board members present at Tuesday’s…


South Florida State House Candidates Agree There’s Too Much Testing

The candidates running for three South Dade state House seats — Republican, Democrat, independent — all agree that Florida students and schools spend too much time testing. Candidates running for the Florida House of Representatives in the 112th, 114th and 115th districts gathered for an education forum Tuesday night at Palmetto Middle School. “The biggest…


I Stand Up 4 Public Schools

Public schools mold America into the great nation of citizens we are today. From the encouragement of great teachers or mentors like the football coach, to the support of the high school counselor, pubic schools shaped many of our lives. So, let’s “Stand Up 4 Public Schools” and support quality public schools for America’s students!…


Who I am Today Began with Public Schools – Stand Up 4 Public Schools

Public schools are where futures start. Let’s “Stand Up 4 Public Schools” and support quality public schools for America’s students! Narrated by Emmy Award-winning television personality Montel Williams, a celebrity advocate for “Stand Up 4 Public Schools.” Special thanks to Virginia’s Alexandria City Public Schools for their participation in this video.

Education Funding

Last month, state economists predicted that the state would have a surplus of about $340 million after funding the state’s priorities and maintaining a healthy balance in state reserves in the 2015-2016 fiscal year. Those priorities include providing sufficient funding to maintain current funding levels for education after taking growth and inflation into account. Meanwhile,…
