This Video Update features FSBA Executive Director Andrea Messina providing a final wrap-up on the 2016 Legislative Session. Ms. Messina discusses some of the key elements in the education portion of the state budget and the related implementing and FRS contribution rate bills. She also provides an overview of HB 7029 — a bill that includes provisions from more than a dozen formerly separate bills that were joined together into a legislative “train” covering a variety of issues — and a few other bills of interest. Ms. Messina closes this final Video Update with the reminder that, now that the Legislative Session is over, it is your opportunity to visit with your legislators in your home district. Be sure to thank them for their work over the past two months and also discuss the impact – both positive and negative — that this legislative session will have on your students and your district. To assist you, please review the materials available to you on the FSBA website at by clicking on the tab titled “2016 Legislative Session Updates” (direct link: Here, you will find our FSBA 2016 Legislative Session Summary, which includes detailed information about the education budget and the education related bills that were passed during the Session, and other supporting and background materials.