Three education ideas in one proposed Florida constitutional amendment earns negative reviews

In the Florida Legislature, the act of lumping several unrelated ideas together in one bill is called logrolling, and it’s generally frowned upon.  In the vicennial Florida Constitution Revision Commission, it’s allowed. And commissioners are taking that liberty on several measures, including three that they’re recommending be combined into one education question (P 6003).  The…

Seventeen amendments on November ballot? Whoa! | Editorial

It’s beginning to look like a long day at the polls Nov. 6. If the Constitution Revision Commission doesn’t come to its senses, there will be 17 amendments on the ballot, an unenviable record. Some of its members worried aloud the other day about “voter fatigue,” as well they should. When there were merely 11…

Voters beware: Don’t be fooled by deceptive education proposal | Guest column

The Constitution Revision Commission is just one step away from finalizing the list of proposed constitutional changes that will go on the November ballot. We’ll soon find out how the “shell game” of packaging proposals into bundles that will be voted up or down plays out.  There are multiple opportunities for subterfuge at this point in…