New ESSA Spending Regulations Proposed

After months of criticism from Republican lawmakers, state chiefs, and teachers’ unions on its approach to spending rules for the Every Student Succeeds Act, the U.S. Department of Education last week released a new proposal that appears to give districts and states some additional flexibility when it comes to ensuring federal funds for low-income students…

Florida economists deliver sobering news: Money is tight

Florida economists delivered some sobering news Wednesday to state lawmakers: Money is tight.  Citing rising costs — especially in Medicaid spending where pharmaceutical costs have been climbing — economists forecast a $1.3 billion budget shortfall by 2018, when Gov. Rick Scott will be entering his final year as Florida’s chief executive. Read full article

Down to 4: Finalists listed for superintendent position

The St. Johns County School District is closing in on its superintendent search with four names advancing into the finalist phase. In-person interviews will begin the first week of October.  After some debate during Tuesday’s workshop meeting, board members settled on candidates Tim Forson, Mark Porter, Vicke Cartwright and Elizabeth Alves. Read full article

Sarasota County School Board settles on superintendent finalists

Sarasota County School Board Chairwoman Shirley Brown thanked the the Superintendent Search Committee before the board accepted the committee’s list of superintendent finalists at the school board’s meeting last night.  The list features eight applicants, including Executive Director of Career, Technical and Adult Education for the Sarasota County School District Todd Bowden. Although Bowden is the…

Judge issues mixed ruling on Florida’s third-grade retention law

A Leon County circuit court judge has come down in favor of families challenging Florida’s third-grade retention practices, ruling that school districts ignored the children’s right to alternative forms of promotion and the state Department of Education allowed that to happen.  In her order, Judge Karen Gievers highly criticized the Hernando County school district for…