CREDO Study finds grim results for virtual charter schools

Students in virtual charter schools fare significantly worse than their peers in traditional schools, and the picture in Florida looks especially bleak, according to a new study by Stanford University’s Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO). Virtual charters provide flexibility that might benefit some students, the report concludes, but right now, “Academic benefits from online charter…

Amid new test results, a call in Florida to ‘be honest’ about student performance

The senior member of Florida’s State Board of Education called for more honesty in test score reporting Wednesday, just hours after the release of new nationwide data showing student performance had slipped in key areas. Fourth- and eighth-grade scores in the 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress slid in Florida, after years of steady improvement.…

Florida Board of Education resists educator-parent pressure on test scores

TALLAHASSEE — Members of the Florida Board of Education want Education Commissioner Pam Stewart to provide them with more data to help them set passing marks for the new statewide assessment, which continues to attract backlash from superintendents, teachers and parents statewide. Standing by the Florida Standards Assessments and in an effort to prove the…

Following Obama Administration’s Announcement on Test Reductions, New Brief Considers Alternative Accountability Approaches

BOULDER, CO (October 25, 2015) – Yesterday, the Obama Administration acknowledged its own role in escalating the nation’s over-reliance on high-stakes, test-based accountability policies. It issued a Testing Action Plan for states, including a section on “reducing the reliance on student test scores through our rules and executive actions,” backing away somewhat from the Administration’s…

Florida School Boards Association asks Gov. Scott to waive consequences from 2015 testing

The Florida School Boards Association has formally adopted a resolution calling on Gov. Rick Scott to waive the use of 2015 state test results for school grades, personnel evaluations, student progression and other uses. The group also built upon superintendents’ request for a full review of the state’s education accountability program, which several groups have…