Superintendents: Freeze school grades, eliminate some tests

group of Florida school superintendents — including Orange County’s Barbara Jenkins — met with Gov. Rick Scott last week, asking for the elimination of some state-required tests and the freezing of school grades for two years. The 10 superintendents pushed recommendations educators across the state have been suggesting for more than a year, mindful that…

Legislative leaders set agenda

Florida’s new low-key state legislative leaders offered a joint agenda Wednesday for the upcoming session focused on water policy, education and tax relief, presenting a firm conservative approach in a less fiery style than many of their recent predecessors. House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, R-Merritt Island, and Senate President Andy Gardiner, R-Orlando, are embarking on two-year…

Foundation For Florida’s Future Wants Lawmakers To Reconsider Teacher Evaluations

The Florida legislature is poised to make sweeping changes to the state’s standardized testing system and to the way teachers are evaluated. The Foundation which backed the system currently in place, says it’s pleased to see lawmakers giving the system a second look. The Foundation for Florida’s Future says lawmakers need to revise the way…

‘Choice’ Denying Opportunity?

This week is National School Choice Week, self-described as “an unprecedented opportunity to shine a spotlight on the need for effective education options for all children.” Ironically, “opportunity” for America’s schoolchildren is what National School Choice Week places at risk. The further irony is “choice” can mean public tax dollars siphoned away from community schools…

Booker T. Washington High to unveil one-of-a-kind stellar planetarium

The newly renovated planetarium is the centerpiece of the school’s Astronomy Magnet program that will offer students a challenging curriculum exposing them to critical thinking, technology, STEM, research opportunities and Advanced Placement, while earning college credit through Florida International University. The quarter-million-dollar, high-def. digital projector has the latest sound and lighting systems that will take…