FSBA 2014 Legislative Summary

The FSBA 2014 Legislative Session Summary is now available on the FSBA website at www.fsba.org — click on “2014 Session Resource Center” or use this direct link:  https://fsba.org/legislative-resource-center/. Our Summary is divided into two Parts — Part I provides details of the education related funding provided in the 2014-2015 General Appropriations Act and includes budget highlights and…

Voucher bill slated for Senate vote as education advocacy groups urge defeat

A bill that expands Florida’s Tax-Credit Scholarship program — which provides kids from low-income families scholarship vouchers they use to attend private school — likely will get a vote today in the Florida Senate. A collection of advocacy groups, including the Florida PTA and Orlando-based Fund Education Now, is urging a “no” vote, arguing the program diverts public money to private schools…