Do school ‘reformers’ really believe in accountability? Let’s look at Florida.

Education policymakers today insist that teachers, principals and schools must be “held accountable.” You would assume, then, that they would take every opportunity to ensure that all students who are educated with public money take the all-important standardized  tests that are used as the chief accountability metric and that can determine how much educators are…

Lawmakers poised to change state pension

The House advanced a sweeping overhaul of the Florida Retirement System Thursday, setting it for a key floor vote Friday as a major bargaining chip in late negotiations with the Senate during the final week of the 2014 legislative session. “This narrow approach to pension reform will save taxpayers about $28 billion over 30 years,”…

Voucher expansion draws opposition

Expansion of the student voucher program, which seemed dead shortly after the beginning of the 2014 Florida Legislature, has proved hard to kill. A Senate subcommittee approved an amendment on Tuesday expanding the voucher program, known as the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship Program, adding it to a bill that helps parents of disabled children get…