Diverting resources from public schools

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is trying to sell the country on the same flawed education policies causing turmoil in our state. Bush unveiled an education plan Monday as part of his presidential campaign. It echoes the policies he supported as governor, such as increasing the number of charter schools. Last week, Florida teachers rallied…

Tax-credit scholarship advocates target FEA in massive rally

TALLAHASSEE — Several thousand supporters of tax-credit funded scholarships targeted the statewide teachers’ union in a massive rally near the Capitol on Tuesday. Black and Hispanic religious leaders and civil rights activists, including Martin Luther King III, implored the Florida Education Association to drop its lawsuit challenging the voucher-like program that serves about 75,000 students.…

Education lawsuit nears trial

A lawsuit filed in 2009 alleging that Florida has failed in its most important duty — providing every student with a uniform and a high quality education — will finally go to trial in Tallahassee this March. To that end, the attorneys presenting the case are asking the community for financial help to ensure that…

A primer on the damaging movement to privatize public schools

Marion Brady is a veteran educator who has long argued that public education needs a paradigm shift. Brady says schools need a complete transformation in what and how students learn — not the Common Core State Standards, standardized tests and other elements of corporate-influenced school reform. Here’s his latest piece, on efforts by some reformers…