Bonus program for Florida teachers challenged by some who argue they are unfairly denied

TALLAHASSEE — A state program designed to reward teachers who excel in testing or evaluations is being challenged by a Tallahassee lawyer who says the $10,000 award is being unfairly withheld from many teachers. Tallahassee lawyer Ronald G. Meyer filed a challenge Friday with the state Division of Administrative Hearings, arguing the Florida Department of…


Lawmakers considering more testing changes

Less than a year after lawmakers overhauled public-school testing following the botched rollout of the new Florida Standards Assessments, the debate over how to measure student learning is far from over. A leading senator on education issues is working on legislation that would allow schools to use tests other than the statewide standardized exams, which…


President Signs ESEA Rewrite, Giving States, Districts Bigger Say on Policy

For the past quarter century, federal education policy has been moving in one direction: toward standards-based education redesign, a greater reliance on standardized tests, and bigger role for Washington when it comes to holding schools accountable for student results. President Barack Obama reversed course with the stroke of a pen Thursday, putting states and districts…


Would Florida’s proposed grading rule make it easier for schools to get an A?

Florida education commissioner Pam Stewart’s school grading simulation showed the state would see a similar distribution of A through F marks for 2015 as it saw in 2014. That simple fact led some observers to question how that could be, given the state’s tests and standards were supposed to be more difficult. Since the numbers were…


Outstanding Superintendent and School Board Member Receive Statewide “STAR” Recognition from Consortium of Florida Education Foundations

Two Florida school system leaders were recognized for their exemplary leadership by the Consortium of Florida Education Foundations (CFEF) December 3rd at the 70th Annual Joint Conference of Florida School Boards Association and Florida Association of District School Superintendents in Tampa.   They were chosen from among several local nominees for championing community and business involvement…


The end of No Child Left Behind

The deeply divided U.S. Congress is poised to get one big thing accomplished before the end of the year. The Senate is expected to vote Tuesday on an overhaul of the widely disliked federal education law known as No Child Left Behind, which officially expired in 2007. Its replacement, the Every Student Succeeds Act, passed…
