Bush Education Legacy

Jeb Bush made his mark as Florida’s governor by overhauling the state’s schools. As he ponders a potential run for president, his education policies — a likely cornerstone of a White House campaign — are drawing fire from critics who argue they place too much emphasis on testing. While the landmark education programs retain the…


New writing test will be paper-pencil version for grades 4-7

Students in grades 4 to 7 will take Florida’s new standardized writing test using old-fashioned paper and pencil to quell educators’ fears that younger students don’t have the typing skills needed to take an online writing exam. Education Commissioner Pam Stewart said Tuesday the state will revisit the issue next year, before deciding whether the…


Governor to review standardized testing in Florida’s public schools

uring his recent campaign for re-election, Gov. Rick Scott called for a “thorough investigation” of standardized testing in Florida’s public schools. “That work has begun,” Education Commissioner Pam Stewart said this morning at the State Board of Education meeting in Seminole County. The Florida Department of Education, Stewart said, has begun the review that Scott,…


Title VI compliance from U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights

Title VI compliance from U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-resourcecomp-201410.pdf The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) at U.S. Department of Education issued the Dear Colleague letter on Title VI compliance with regard to equal opportunity and equitable resources in school districts.  In other years, this has been a typically uneventful federal review…
