FSBA Session Spotlight — April 12, 2017

As expected, both chambers reviewed their respective budgets – SB 2500 and HB 5001 — and related budget implementing bills and budget conforming bills. Most of these bills were either approved without amendment or the amendments did not directly pertain to PreK-12 education.  However, two significant amendments were approved in the Senate to SB 376…


Special Ed School Vouchers May Come With Hidden Costs

For many parents with disabled children in public school systems, the lure of the private school voucher is strong.  Vouchers for special needs students have been endorsed by the Trump administration, and they are often heavily promoted by state education departments and by private schools, which rely on them for tuition dollars. So for families…


DeVos praises this voucher-like program. Here’s what it means for school reform

Florida has channeled billions of taxpayer dollars into scholarships for poor children to attend private schools over the past 15 years, using tax credits to build a laboratory for school choice that the Trump administration holds up as a model for the nation.  The voucherlike program, the largest of its kind in the country, helps…
