Florida’s accountability plan needs more work, federal government says

Florida’s plan to change its education accountability and testing system as little as possible, despite changes to federal rules, ran into a roadblock this week.  The U.S. Department of Education told the state that it can’t simply adopt rules that run counter to the Every Student Succeeds Act, particularly without seeking waivers. That includes the way it…

Florida Department of Education posts proposed Schools of Hope rules

Aiming to jump start the a controversial new charter school system for the fall, the Florida Department of Education has unveiled proposed rules for potential Schools of Hope operators to follow.  The recommended rule, which is slated for Jan. 17 State Board of Education consideration, closely adheres to criteria from the legislation enacting the program to…

FSBA Session Spotlight — December 18, 2017

The Constitution Revision Commission Committees met this week to consider several of the education related proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution that have been filed.  Please click on the link below to access our report on the education related proposals that were considered this week and information on upcoming meetings of CRC Committee and public hearings…

Proposals on school board term limits, elected superintendents move ahead

Despite pushback from the people who would be most affected, two proposed constitutional amendments aiming to change the governance of Florida public school districts gained support from a second committee of the Constitution Revision Commission on Thursday.  The proposals to limit school board members to eight consecutive years in office, and to end the election…

How A Deregulated Internet Could Hurt America’s Classrooms

Schools across the country are nervously watching to see if the Federal Communications Commission chooses to repeal Obama-era regulations that protect an open internet, often referred to as “net neutrality.”  The 2015 rules are meant to prevent internet providers, such as Comcast, AT&T and Verizon, from controlling what people can watch and see on the…

Appeals court upholds ruling against Florida education funding challenge

Florida’s First District Court of Appeal has agreed with the trial court against a group of parents who complained the state had violated its constitutional role to fund an “an efficient, safe, secure and uniform high-quality education.”  The case, filed in 2009,  questioned whether the Legislature and executive branch did enough to meet the “paramount duty” in…

Frank Brogan, former Martin County superintendent, lands national education position

President Donald Trump has tapped a former Martin County superintendent for a top national education post. Frank Brogan, superintendent here from 1988-1994 before moving on to stints as Florida’s commissioner of education and lieutenant governor, was nominated as assistant secretary of education for elementary and secondary education, the White House announced Monday. Read More

School board pay question will return to Constitution Revision Commission

Erika Donalds barely saved her proposal to end Florida school board members’ salaries when it came before the Constitution Revision Commission education committee in November.  Headed for defeat, Donalds moved to postpone action rather than cast what would have been a tying vote for the measure. Proposals must have a majority in support to win favorable…