Florida Teacher of the Year Statewide Finalists Surprised in Classrooms

Tallahassee, Fla. – Commissioner of Education Pam Stewart, joined by Macy’s representatives, traveled the state this week to announce the five statewide finalists for the 2016 Florida Department of Education/Macy’s Teacher of the Year. Each teacher was honored with a surprise presentation in his or her classroom. The Florida Teacher of the Year program honors…

Concern over tax-sharing plan doesn’t die with end of Florida legislative session

Many controversial education-related proposals died with the abrupt end of the Florida Legislature’s spring session. Some, however, live on as the chambers prepare to negotiate the 2015-16 budget during a June special session. Among the most troubling to school district leaders is a proposal to require districts to share a portion of their local tax…

Gov. Scott Presents Shine Awards to Eight Outstanding Educators During Teacher Appreciation Week

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. –Today, during a meeting of the Florida Cabinet, Governor Rick Scott recognized eight outstanding educators from the around the state for their contributions to learning with the Governor’s Shine Awards. The Governor’s Shine Award is presented to educators and administrators in Florida who make significant contributions to the field of education. Governor Scott…

Governor Rick Scott and Volunteer Florida Present Champion of Service Awards

TALLAHASSEE, Fla.  – During today’s meeting of the Florida Cabinet, Governor Rick Scott and Volunteer Florida CEO Chester Spellman awarded three Floridians with the Champion of Service Award, Florida’s official statewide volunteer recognition. Governor Scott said, “These Florida volunteers are true champions for their communities and our entire state. I am proud to honor each of…

‘Imagine if we celebrated teachers as much as we celebrate athletes and celebrities’

Tuesday is National Teacher Day, part of Teacher Appreciation Week, which has taken on special resonance in recent years as many teachers feel increasingly dishonored by policymakers who have put them at the center of controversial reforms. So what do teachers get during this commemoration? Some companies offer discounts to teachers for various items, and…

Despite Problems With Florida’s New Test, Lawmaker Opposes Cancelling Contract

The chairman of the Senate Education committee says lawmakers aren’t interested in cancelling the six-year, $220 million contract with Florida new statewide test provider despite multiple problems with the new exams already. Twice this year contractor American Institutes for Research made changes to their system which prevented students and administrators from accessing the exam. Some…

Florida education department clarifies rules on student retention, teacher evaluations

The passage of HB 7069 into law changed the rules for evaluating Florida students and teachers. Exactly how has been the subject of much debate. There’s been a healthy back and forth, for instance, over whether the Legislature’s action gave school districts more flexibility on retaining third graders who score at the lowest levels of…

Legislative stalemate puts Florida school districts in a budgeting bind

The early end to this year’s legislative session, without an approved budget, has put Florida school district leaders on edge. Even in normal circumstances, school boards often struggle to craft spending plans largely dictated by state funding formulas. This year, they face the task without any hard numbers as a starting point. “It’s exceedingly difficult,”…

Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ Physical Education Program named as a model program by UNESCO

Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ Physical Education Program has been named as a model program for North America by the United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in their case study report, “Quality Physical Education”. This publication was developed in partnership with the European Commission, the International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education, the International…