When charter schools close, taxpayer-funded property often goes missing

Some South Florida charter schools have been known to vanish quickly, and so have their taxpayer-funded books, computers and furniture. School districts are required to inventory charter school property before and after a school closes. Districts can then use the returned property at other traditional or charter schools in the county. Read full article

Trial challenging Florida’s education framework wraps up in Tallahassee

TALLAHASSEE- A four-week trial challenging Florida’s entire public education system and its hallmark components — such as standardized testing, school grades and “school choice” options, like charter schools — concluded Friday. Numerous witnesses, including state Education Commissioner Pam Stewart, testified in Leon County Circuit Court during the trial, which began in mid-March. Judge George Reynolds…

FSBA #FridayFive – Week of Apr. 4, 2016

1.   How quickly will students find their careers?  http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/10/education/edlife/will-you-sprint-stroll-or-stumble-into-a-career.html?_r=0 2.   If you haven’t heard of Sal Khan, you should have:  http://chronicle.com/article/How-Sal-Khan-Hopes-to-Remake/235895 3.   Florida’s testing season has begun:  http://www.sunshinestatenews.com/story/florida-standards-assessment-smooth-start 4.   Short on teachers?  You are not alone:  http://aminewswire.com/stories/510704904-teacher-shortages-continue-nationwide  5.   SREF could be a little more flexible:  http://www.capitalnewyork.com/article/florida/2016/04/8595959/schools-could-get-new-flexibility-construction-laws

Study: More financial literacy instruction needed in Florida schools

April is the official National Financial Literacy Month, yet there is a lack of basic financial education in Florida’s schools, setting the stage for major problems for individuals, families, businesses and communities. On Monday, April 4th, PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) released results from a new study called, “Bridging the Financial Literacy Gap: Empowering teachers to support the…

After years of attempts, Florida Legislature approves changes to high school athletics

TALLAHASSEE — The landscape of Florida high school athletics is poised to change starting next school year, but just how drastically remains to be seen. The “school choice” legislation that lawmakers passed last month — and that awaits Republican Gov. Rick Scott’s signature — includes provisions long sought by the Republican-led Legislature to ensure that…

Florida Standards Assessments ‘never’ sole factor in promotion, state says

Parents of third graders across Florida have raised loud complaints lately that their school administrators and teachers have threatened their children with retention if they don’t pass the Florida Standards Assessment or an alternate test. District officials say they’re sticking to state law, which says: “To be promoted to grade 4, a student must score…

FSBA #FridayFive – Week of Mar. 28, 2016

1.    Is teaching algebra as necessary as was once thought?  http://www.chron.com/news/us/article/Is-algebra-an-unnecessary-stumbling-block-in-US-7209860.php 2.    Schools struggle with lead in water:  http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/27/us/schools-nationwide-still-grapple-with-lead-in-water.html?_r=0 3.    Sarasota’s Pineview among the 50 smartest public high schools in America:  http://www.businessinsider.com/smartest-public-high-schools-in-america-2016-3 4.    Innovative Uses of Technology in School Districts:  http://www.centerdigitaled.com/awards/digital-districts/National-Survey-Recognizes-School-Districts-for-Innovative-Uses-of-Technology.html 5.    Michigan high school offers taxidermy class:  http://www.usnews.com/news/offbeat/articles/2016-04-01/new-taxidermy-class-a-hit-at-michigan-high-school