Senate Education Committee Unanimously Passes Bipartisan ESEA Rewrite

In a calculated and largely fireworks-free markup of a bipartisan Elementary and Secondary Education Act rewrite, members of the U.S. Senate education committee approved the measure 22-0 Thursday amid much back-slapping and promises to continue working across the aisle. “The vote today is about how we conducted this markup,” said Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., the chairman…

Independent Benefits Council (IBC) School Employee Saver Campaign Receives Awards

The Independent Benefits Council (IBC) earned high marks for its School Employee Saver campaign website and contests on Thursday at the annual Florida Public Relations Association (FPRA) Capital Chapter Image Awards, winning an Image Award and an Award of Distinction, respectively. The IBC brings together the Florida Education Association, the Florida Association of School Administrators,…

Gov. Scott Presents Shine Awards to Eight Outstanding Educators

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, during a meeting of Florida’s Cabinet, Governor Rick Scott recognized eight outstanding educators from around the state for their contributions to educating Florida students with Governor’s Shine Awards. The Governor’s Shine Award is presented to educators and administrators in Florida who make significant contributions to the field of education. Governor Scott…

Taxpayers and charter schools

School choice in the form of charter schools offers parents good options for their children’s education. But corporate welfare in the form of taxpayer-funded construction of private facilities is another matter entirely. Once again, the Legislature is on track to favor charters over public schools, with the House considering diverting tens of millions of dollars…