FSBA Session Spotlight — November 12, 2019

The Legislature will hold a 5th week of Interim Committee Meetings this week.  Several bills of interest will be under consideration, including bills relating to funding, health and safety, public records, and ethics.  In addition, the State Board of Education will be meeting on Friday in Brunnell, Florida.  The agenda includes review district turnaround option…

FSBA Session Spotlight — November 4, 2019

The Legislature will hold a 4th week of Interim Committee Meetings this week.  The schedule is relatively light since none of the main education related committees or subcommittees will be meeting.  However, bills and topics of interest that will be considered this week include public safety, facilities, the Florida Kidcare Program, and public records.  The…

Bill again filed to require ‘supermajority’ to raise local taxes

A bill is back in the Florida House for 2020 that would require a supermajority vote for a local tax referendum.  HJR 477 would, if passed, allow a referendum to let voters decide whether to require a two-thirds majority for any municipality or subsidiary form of government to raise taxes. Read More

Florida pre-k issues leave lawmakers with long to-do list

On a recent day at Celebration Baptist Kinderschool, the 4-year-olds gathered with their legs crisscrossed on their multicolored carpet to listen to a book about bats.  “What’s that big word we learned?” the teacher asked, referencing a previous lesson about owls.  “Nocturnal!” the toddlers shouted back. Read More  

FSBA Friday 5 – October 25, 2019

Effects of principal turnover on students and schools Encyclopedia of Science Fiction 17,500 entries now free online Science–A brainless, bright-yellow organism that can solve mazes and heal itself is made its debut in Paris Council of Great City Schools report on urban Academic Key Performance Indicators for 2019 Tips and skills to share with parents…

Florida’s armed teachers get liability coverage in policy reversal

Florida teachers who are armed on campus will now be covered under the state’s liability insurance, so long as they act within their duties outlined in state law.  The policy change was quietly made by department officials on August 17, representing a reversal after the department had specifically excluded armed teachers from its policy. Read…