Gov. Ron DeSantis reveals plan to eliminate scholarship wait list

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Friday his proposal for an “equal opportunity scholarship” to supplement the state’s Tax Credit Scholarship program.  He said the new scholarship would be equal in size and purpose to the tax credit scholarship program — one of the nation’s largest school choice initiatives — in order to get more needy children…


Florida Standards Review – Update on Executive Order 19-32

The Florida Department of Education held a conference call for district curriculum staff to provide technical assistance and detailed information on Governor DeSantis’ Executive Order 19-32 – January 31, 2019. The Department has designated a landing page and will update stakeholders on progress, timelines, and actions as information becomes available.  Bookmark this page as a resource,…


Governor Ron DeSantis Calls for Statewide Grand Jury on School Safety

Today, Governor Ron DeSantis filed a petition with the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a statewide grand jury to examine and review school safety measures throughout the state, as well as the responses of public entities to laws designed to protect schools such as the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act. Read More


Bill to arm Florida teachers passes first committee along party lines

A bill that would allow Florida’s teachers to carry guns in schools passed its first committee along party lines Tuesday, setting up what could be one of the most heated debates of the 2019 legislative session.  Senate Bill 7030 expands the “Guardian” program created by last year’s post-Parkland bill, by which school staff can volunteer…


FSBA Session Spotlight – February 8, 2019

Governor DeSantis released his 2019-2020 state budget recommendations on Friday, February 1.  As a result, most of this week’s Legislative Interim Committee Meetings provided presentations on funding and policies outlined in in governor’s budget.  In addition to presentations and discussion of budget issues, legislative committees/subcommittees considered several bills of interest including, among others, bills relating to…


FSBA Friday Five – February 8, 2019

Each week, Executive Director Andrea Messina selects 5 Things You Should Know in education news.  Read. Learn. Share. Retweet. Designing for the Spectrum/Autism-friendly education design Why are schools not providing more real-world ways to teach young people traditional subjects? Elementary students participate in Amazing Shake to teach soft skills  Citizenship in the digital age, an…


School board term limits proposal advances in Florida House

Citing the importance of eliminating the “incumbency advantage” and the need to generate fresh ideas, members of the Florida House PreK-12 Quality subcommittee unanimously backed a resolution (HJR 229) Wednesday to ask voters to approve term limits for school board members. Read More
